Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wart On Lip Line I Have A Mouth FULL Of Canker Sores!!!!!!?

I have a mouth FULL of canker sores!!!!!!? - wart on lip line

Ok, and now it gets serious, really! I had sores before, but usually only one or two at a time and never really bothered. But Friday, I noticed, then two, then two to six, before I knew it, overnight, while the lining of the lips (upper and lower) and cheeks covered in crabs on a white background, some larger and smaller. 40 to 50

I was stressed and I am a complete view wart I know it can cause. I also have a bad habit of biting her lips and inner cheeks before everything was in my mouth was badly damaged. can (a habit I can not repeat)

some are white to yellow, some are dark with a small dot in the middle. There is no herpes (cold sores are not caused by the herpes simplex, herpes labialis and not). I read that attempts to remove the white help in healing, so I tried my toothbrush .. I felt good, and until the next morning. My lips are so swollen and hot. I can not eat, sleep or even talk!


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